Friday, November 7, 2008

Grand Canyon Watch Tower

All Along the Watch Tower....

Pictures Inside and Out!
This amazing structure was designed by Mary Colter, who took the time to study the Native architecture of the local tribes and based her design on these elements. The View out the windows is just Mind-Blowing!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The GRAND Canyon


Grand Canyon Adventure
They were not kidding around....
It is a GRAND Canyon!

I just saw it today (11/6/08) for the first time and it was a 10-hour tour with the Pink Jeep Tour Company.
It was so cold up there...and windy... and also just plain beautiful---MOTHER NATURE!!
Jai Maha Maya ki Jai!

If you have not seen the Grand Canyon, in person, I suggest you figure out a way to get there. Millions of pictures have been taken and shared; it does not compare to the physical experience.
